132 Pages Featuring: Risen Phoenix, Tom Gore, Ben Ernst, Oliver Chapusette, Bert Van Pelt, Apothic Wolf Photography, Lillias Right, Marc Von Martial and Blais Bellenoit


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During your free trial, weā€™ll take you on a guided deep dive into the exquisite world of Model Society Magazine. Youā€™ll get our latest stunning issue. Plus, weā€™ll load up your library with some of our most cherished publications. In just two weeks, youā€™ll enjoy some of the best nude and figurative fine art in the world.

Risen Phoenix

Risen Phoenix portrays the human form with exquisite care and amazing artistry across a diverse spectrum of colors and body types. Every one of his images features a stunning model, but it’s the philosophical vision and craftsmanship of the photographer that elevates them as profoundly beautiful works of art.

Ben Ernst

Cover Artist, Ben Ernst shares a breathtaking collection of photography from his expansive and highly accomplished body of work. While many photographers settle into a specific way of creating, Ben continually challenges himself with entirely new themes and dramatic styles. It’s an honor for us to bring you these wonderful images and cover art from one of Model Society’s earliest and most influential contributors.

Tom Gore

Tom Gore combines the bold striking presence of contemporary models with the lush and dreamlike settings of old-world paintings. The figures in his art seem vibrant and alive as if they could reach through time to touch the present moment. These crystal clear portraits both contrast and highlight the soft focus of the past.


Marc Von Martial

Marc Von Martial invites us into his world of sensual melancholia. His use of traditional equipment and experimental hybrid techniques provide a refreshing alternative to the barrage of highly polished digital images that we see everyday. The soft focus and mysterious darkness that surrounds his models are suggestive and highly engaging.

Oliver Chapusette & Bert Van Pelt

Oliver Chapusette and Bert Van Pelt bring us a beautiful series of elegant images that explore and celebrate masculine serenity. Each of these photos offers a thoughtful and quiet expression of beauty and grace that is often rare in images of men.

Blais Bellenoit

Blais Bellenoit peels back layers of reality. His paintings portray the primal creativity of the universe and life itself. Blais looks beyond the physical nature of human bodies, as his paintings offer a mind-blowing vision of humanity as it would appear if seen through the eyes of a creative and conscious universe.

Apothic Wolf Photography & Lillias Right

Apothic Wolf Photography and Lillias Right offer an intimate and gorgeous exploration of full-figured beauty in this intimate photo set. These stunning black and white images celebrate a renowned art model whose natural curves have attracted a diverse audience of fans from around the world.

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